Crock Pot Chicken Stock, a concept

Here’s your thought experiment for this bright Monday: you live in New England. The snow piles are so high that

WW: Homemade Olive Oil Soap

Back in June, Mary Kate and Denise met up at the far side of Mary Kate’s apartment complex parking lot,

Making Bacon, Squared (i.e. two versions)

Bacon. It’s bacon, how do you live without bacon? Unfortunately, commercial bacon has dextrose, sodium erythorbate, ascorbates, and other corn

Roasted Vegetable Stock

I know. It’s spring. Or, rather, “spring.” The thing is? It’s still pretty cold here, and on top of that,

Whatever Wednesday: The Citrus is IN.

THE CITRUS IS IN! I assume, given that I’m in New England, that if the citrus is here, the citrus

Whatever Wednesday: Why there won’t be a corn-free tag on the blog

So most of you know by now, since I’ve (Denise) complained mightily, the whole corn allergy thing sucks. And some

Whatever Wednesday: Learn Something New: Camellia Sinesis, dba Tea

Since we’ve focused this month on recipes inspired by cuisine from the continent of Asia (I know, we never said

WW: Learn Something New: Maple Syrup

The very first known instance of the word maple (though, at the time it was “mapul”) was in Chaucer’s The