Category: Breakfast

  • Morning Glory Overnight Oats

    Morning Glory Overnight Oats

    At the end of last year, I took a very cold trip out to the SeaTac airport area for a writing seminar with Anne Heffron. She walked us through a lot of exercises designed to help us figure out why we would take a very cold trip out to an airport hotel on a Friday…

  • Chai Spiced Granola Bars

    Chai Spiced Granola Bars

    I miss the convenience of buying a Nature Valley Granola bar, and calling it good for breakfast. Since they’re not safe for me, and since I needed to trial some cane syrup I bought, I went poking around the Interwebs and found this recipe that I modified. Sadly, the cane syrup was a big fail…

  • Gluten-free No-Toaster Pastries with Frosting

    Gluten-free No-Toaster Pastries with Frosting

    It’s still comfort food month. Trying to find foods that are comforting that are safe is kind of hard. In the long, long ago before food allergies, I ate a lot of PopTarts. I ate them when I was too tired, too sick or too aggravated to cook. I ate them for breakfast frequently so…

  • Fried Apple Rings with Powdered Sugar

    Fried Apple Rings with Powdered Sugar

    So, it’s warmer here in New Hampshire than it normally is. There’s been no hard freeze. So I still have apples on trees that are usable. Therefore, the apple apocalypse continues. Since I am drowning in apples, guess what? I decided to incorporate apples into comfort food month. Fried food is also in the pantheon…

  • Gluten-free & Vegan Abelskiver (Stuffed Pancakes)

    Gluten-free & Vegan Abelskiver (Stuffed Pancakes)

    So this month is “Try a cooking technique we’ve never used before” month on the blog. I got a cast iron abelskiver pan originally to try to make an Indian dish called paniyaram, but I’m in the middle of the apple apocalypse. We’re having a bumper crop this year, and I haven’t had time to…

  • Chocolate Zucchini Breakfast Muffins

    Chocolate Zucchini Breakfast Muffins

    So it’s farmer’s market/garden produce theme month here on the blog, and I have some zucchini to use. Not as many as I would like as my squash plants are not cooperating this year, but many of you may be swimming in them. This recipe uses puréed zucchini. I grate it first, measure out two…

  • Revised Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Pancakes

    Revised Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Pancakes

    When we first started the blog, I was allergic to less stuff than I am now. When I first devised this recipe, I wasn’t allergic to corn yet, and I didn’t suspect chia seed as being potentially problematic (it’s on the suspect list, but I haven’t done a food challenge to verify yet). As a…

  • Cashew Butter and Chocolate Cashew Butter

    Cashew Butter and Chocolate Cashew Butter

    So this is the last recipe post of breakfast month.  One of the things I miss having for breakfast is a toasted bagel or a toasted slice of bread with some thinly spread butter and some thickly spread peanut butter on top of that. The peanut butter gets all warm and gooey and it’s a…