Vegan Black Bean Pumpkin Taco Salad

Vegan Black Bean Pumpkin Taco Salad
Vegan Black Bean Pumpkin Taco Salad

During the holidays, I fully explored that cookie obsession that was in evidence in all of our Friday posts. Overall? They weren’t too bad, though the results were a little mixed. Turns out that parchment paper is an amazing invention that no gluten-free baker should be without, and keeping the dough cold is important. Also, I’m pretty bad at rolling out dough. Luckily, I had help.

But because gluten-free baked goods don’t last as long as other baked goods (they dry out and/or mold rather quickly), I ate. And ate, and ate, and ate. Mmmmm, cookies. ALL the cookies. Thing is that sugar, when consumed in great quantities for a week or so, makes me crave vegetables, and this time around, particularly spinach. Mostly, I eat a little spinach salad here and there, or I saute it with garlic, and I’m frankly bored with both. I was planning to make tacos, but since I had the spinach, taco salad seemed the thing to do. The hot topping balances out the cold salad part, giving a great balance between wanting the raw spinach and needing hot food for dinner when it’s cold out.

This recipe is perfect for a quick weeknight meal, as it comes together in a matter of maybe 10 minutes. Honestly, it takes as long to assemble the salad as it does to cook the topping, and the salad can incorporate whatever you have around. I’ve written it up as I’ve made it and like it, but you know we’re all about tinkering around here.

Vegan Black Bean Pumpkin Taco Salad
Vegan Black Bean Pumpkin Taco Salad

Vegan Black Bean Pumpkin Taco Salad 

Makes 2 large, meal-sized salads

For the cooked taco topping:

  • 1 Tablespoon oil (I’ve been using safflower)
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion (this is where having extra chopped onion in the freezer is really a time-saver)
  • 1 Tablespoon of taco, Mexican, or southwest-style seasoning mix (I used Arizona Dreaming)
  • 1/2 can (8 oz.) canned pumpkin (I am pretty sure that mashed butternut squash or sweet potatoes would also work well here — let me know if you try it)
  • 1 can (15 oz) black beans, drained and rinsed well

Heat a saucepan over medium heat. When hot, add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until translucent. Add the seasoning, and stir well into the oil and onions. Add the pumpkin, stirring well, and then the black beans. Lower the heat to medium-low, and cook, stirring occasionally, for 5-10 minutes, or until everything is heated through.

Then, make your salad.

  • 2 large handfuls of baby spinach, roughly chopped (or salad greens of your choice)
  • 1/4 cup of shredded vegan cheddar (optional)
  • 1/2 of a Hass avocado, sliced (optional)
  • sprouts, if you’ve got them and like them (I do, but optional)
  • any other fun salad toppings you might dream up
  • 1/4 cup of red salsa (recipes from us here and here, if you want to make your own)

Lay out your spinach, lettuce, or greens on two plates or in large bowls. Top each with half the taco mixture, in several dollops to spread it out over the salad. Add the cheese (if using) and other vegetables or toppings, and pour the salsa on top as a dressing. If you’re using the avocado, I suggest a sprinkle of salt on just that.


  1. Molly (Based on a Sprue Story) Avatar

    We just had a very similar meal last night (black bean/pumpkin/spinach taco filling in tortillas). It was one of our fastest weeknight meals yet—we’re learning. We also tried poaching eggs in the microwave to go on top, which was a good trick from The Kitchn, although ours got a little more hard-boiled because we cooked them too long.

    1. Mary Kate Avatar

      What tortillas do you use? I haven’t found many that, well, work.

      1. Molly Avatar

        We used corn tortillas, which I guess wouldn’t work for you guys. Hmm. I’ve seen recipes online for GF flour tortillas but have never tried any. The one flour tortilla sold in a package (Rudi’s, I think) was OK but not great.

        1. Mary Kate Avatar

          No, that works for me, just not Denise. We’ve both bookmarked a bunch of options for not-corn GF tortillas, though, as the corn ones fall apart. You can’t make a real burrito with them.

          I just restocked on canned pumpkin. I’d completely decimated my supply between a few pumpkin pies and this recipe.

          1. Molly Avatar

            Yeah, corn is definitely better for tacos than burritos. One thing I never think to do that is a really good idea is to double up on the tortilla for a taco, which some restaurants do. I’ve had luck making enchiladas with corn tortillas, very carefully, after warming them in the microwave wrapped in damp paper towels.

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