Cashew Butter and Chocolate Cashew Butter

Cashew Butter and Chocolate Cashew Butter

Cashew Butter and Chocolate Cashew Butter
Cashew Butter and Chocolate Cashew Butter

So this is the last recipe post of breakfast month.  One of the things I miss having for breakfast is a toasted bagel or a toasted slice of bread with some thinly spread butter and some thickly spread peanut butter on top of that. The peanut butter gets all warm and gooey and it’s a quick filling breakfast. (Also, anyone who tells me I don’t need butter if I’m using nut butter is guilty of heresy, just saying.) Well, I haven’t managed a gluten-free, egg-free, dairy-free, and corn-free loaf of bread or bagels yet, but I’m one step closer to getting the ingredients I need. I already had a recipe for a margarine, Homemade Margarine, New and Improved, which works well on baked goods. I’m not allergic to peanuts, but I haven’t been able to buy a commercial peanut butter that’s safe for my cocktail of allergies or that I trust not to have issues with cross contamination in some time. I haven’t sourced safe raw peanuts yet, but I did have cashews I do well with, so I decided to go ahead and make cashew butter. And then I decided to mix some of it with cacao powder to try for something Nutella-esque (I’m allergic to hazelnuts and dairy, among other issues). I used this great tutorial from Tasty Yummies, but used my Vitamix to make the cashew butter.

It’s good. The chocolate cashew butter is not as sweet as Nutella, but it’s nice. And once I manage to make myself bread that I wouldn’t be ashamed to put on the blog, I’ll be even happier. But for now, I ate the plain cashew butter with an apple, and the chocolate cashew butter with strawberries, which isn’t all that bad either.

Cashew Butter and Chocolate Cashew Butter
Cashew Butter and Chocolate Cashew Butter

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Cashew Butter and Chocolate Cashew Butter
Print Recipe
Makes a cup of each.
Servings Prep Time
2 cups 14 hours
Cook Time
10-15 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 cups 14 hours
Cook Time
10-15 minutes
Cashew Butter and Chocolate Cashew Butter
Print Recipe
Makes a cup of each.
Servings Prep Time
2 cups 14 hours
Cook Time
10-15 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 cups 14 hours
Cook Time
10-15 minutes
Cashew Butter
  • 3 cups cashews
  • water (for soaking, if you are soaking)
  • 3-5 Tablespoons grapeseed oil (or other safe for you oil)
  • dash salt
Additions for Chocolate Cashew Butter
  • 2-3 Tablespoons cacao or cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
Equipment Needed
  • 1 high performance blender
Servings: cups
  1. If you want to soak the cashews to clean them well, cover them with water in a bowl and soak for two hours. Drain cashews and dehydrate either in a dehydrator or a oven for 12 to 24 hours at 150°F or less, until dry or crisp. If you are not soaking your cashews, skip to the next step.
  2. Once your cashews are dry, roast them in a 325°F oven for about 10-15 minutes, watching them carefully so that they do not burn. You want them to be golden brown.
  3. Add your cashews to your blender, along with 3 Tablespoons of your safe oil. Start on the lowest speed, and slowly increase the speed to the highest speed, using the tamper if your blender comes with one. Add more oil if necessary. When the blender changes from a chugging sound to a low laboring machine, stop the blender.
  4. Remove the cashew butter and place equal amounts into two bowls. Mix a dash of salt into each bowl mixing well. One bowl is your now completed plain Cashew Butter. To the second bowl, add 2-3 Tablespoons of cacao powder to taste and the sugar, whisking it in. You also may need to add more oil at this point. This bowl is your Chocolate Cashew butter.
  5. Store in an air tight container or freeze it for longer storage.
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Cashews after dehydrating and roasting
Cashews after dehydrating and roasting
Cashew butter after blending
Cashew butter after blending
Cashew Butter completed
Cashew Butter completed
Chocolate Cashew Butter completed
Chocolate Cashew Butter completed
Chocolate Cashew Butter
Chocolate Cashew Butter
Cashew Butter
Cashew Butter



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