Q: Who is this blog for?
A: Anyone who has a food allergy, or anyone who has a friend or family member with food allergies who wants to cook for them. WARNING: Recipes are free of allergens the authors share in common (dairy, egg and hazelnuts), but recipes may contain one or more of the top eight most common allergens (dairy, egg, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish.) READ THE INGREDIENTS of the recipe before you start, and CHECK THE CONTENTS of your ingredients to make sure it doesn’t contain your allergen.
Q: Who’s writing this thing anyway?
A: Denise and Mary Kate, your post-apocalyptic guides.
Q: What is this blog about?
A: Finding tasty adult food for people with food allergies. We’ll post recipes we’ve been working on, reviews of allergy-free products, and anything else we might find helpful in coping with food allergies developed as adults.
Q: When will you post?
A: Denise and Mary Kate will be taking turns posting. There will be a new post every week on Monday.
Q: How do the recipes work?
A: The recipes are categorized under Breakfast, Desserts, Drinks, Sauces, Soups, Small Plates and Large Plates. For Small Plates, think appetizers, side dishes, tapas, light lunches, etc. For Large Plates, think dinner and entrees. The recipes will also have a warning tag if it has an ingredient that falls into one of the eight most common allergies.
Q: Why are you doing this?
A: Because Denise and Mary Kate miss eating really excellent food and we can’t be the only ones. For a longer explanation, see our page What Apocalypse?.
Q: What’s coming up?
A: You can see on our banner some of the recipes that will be posted soon: Fried Cheez Nuggets, Rum Caramel Sauce, Garlic & Ginger Baby Bok Choi, Apple Cranberry Crisp, and Hominy Salad.
Q: What do the post-apocalyptic guides want from you?
A: We want your feedback. Tell us if you try a recipe — how did it work? Tell us if you know good products to try. We may ask questions occasionally, to see if anyone has a solution to a problem we’ve yet to solve — tell us what you know, too! If you’ve solved a problem we haven’t yet (Dairy, egg, and soy free mayo, anyone?), let us know. To Contact us:
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