You know how there are those brownie in a mug recipes out there? And how none of them work for those of us with food allergies who need a really quick cake fix and (1) can’t wait 35-40 minutes for a cake to bake, or (2) can’t eat a whole cake before it goes stale? Well, now you can have a nice smallish cake that cooks in the microwave in between 7-8 minutes, which is good, or really bad, depending on your perspective. I’ve eaten a lot of cake in the last week getting this recipe right, and I think the psyllium really rocks. It gives the cake a consistency and body similar to that of a regular cake with regular flour. I give you almost instant cake. You’re welcome!
Microwave Individual-ish Chocolate Wacky Cake
Makes 8 inch round cake.
- a bit of olive oil, or another mild oil that’s safe for you, to grease the pan
- 3/4 cup of all purpose gluten-free flour mix (I used Cara Reed’s mix from her blog, Fork and Beans)
- 2 Tablespoons of cocoa powder that’s safe for you (I used Penzey’s Dutch Process although some that are allergic to corn cannot tolerate it)
- 1/2 cup of sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
- 1/4 teaspoon of salt
- 1/2 teaspoon of rice wine vinegar, or other mild vinegar that’s safe for you
- 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract (Here’s a bunch of recipes for vanilla extract, make sure to use safe alcohol if corn or wheat are an issue for you. I use either Vikingfjord or Luksusowa Vodka because they are made only from potatoes, where some vodkas may also use grain or corn.)
- 4 Tablespoons olive oil, or another mild oil that’s safe for you
- 1 Tablespoon of whole husk psyllium (no affiliation with Amazon, just linking so you can see the product)
- 1/2 cup of water (water amounts are provided separately because they are used at different points in the recipe)
- 1/4 cup of water and 3 Tablespoons of water
Grease a microwave safe 8 inch piece of stoneware, Corning ware or Pyrex, with your safe oil. Set aside.
In a large mixing bowl, add the AP gluten-free flour mix, cocoa powder, sugar, baking soda, and salt, and use a whisk to combine the dry ingredients thoroughly.
In a small bowl, whisk the psyllium and 1/2 cup of water together thoroughly. It will jell up fairly quickly.
Make three little depressions or wells in the dry mix, add the vanilla to one, the oil to another and the vinegar to the third. Add the psyllium mixture and the remaining water water to the bowl, and mix with the whisk until the mixture is mostly smooth. The psyllium is going to make things a bit lumpy, so don’t worry about that.
Pour the cake batter into your greased pan, and microwave on high for 7-8 minutes (my microwave is 1100 watts, times may vary with different microwaves) or until the cake pulls away from the edge of the pan.

Let the cake cool, and then cut and serve, or just eat it out of the pan.

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