Category: Allergy-Friendly Personal Care Products

  • When You’re Allergic to Conventional Feminine Monthly Supplies

    When You’re Allergic to Conventional Feminine Monthly Supplies

    Last week we said we’re heading in new directions with the blog. Besides the actual recipes, we said we’re going to talk about every day life issues, including how we cook, plan, and deal with personal care stuff, besides just giving you recipes. So this post is my first swing at bat. I’ve contemplating writing…

  • WW: Homemade Tick Repellent

    So as many of you know, my husband and I bought a house in January so we could have a garden and grow food, have space to can and do food prep, and make all the things that I need, like soap, lard and tallow, that were really inconvenient to make in a second story balcony…

  • UPDATED – DIY Shampoo if Allergic to Coconut on Whatever Wednesday

      EDITED TO ADD : Please go see the newest version of this recipe – it’s a lot better!! – UPDATED AGAIN!! DIY Shampoo if Allergic to Coconut on Whatever Wednesday Since publishing my DIY Shampoo if Allergic to Coconut post, I’ve made a minor change to the original shampoo recipe. When you see the change you’re going…

  • Whatever Wednesday: Oil Cleansing Method

    About a year ago, after a lot of reading about it, I thought I’d try this “oil cleansing” thing that the internet was chittering on about.  Honestly, it seemed a little counter-intuitive, smearing oil over the grease on my face to clean it off.  I have had oily skin since I was about 11, which…

  • Whatever Wednesday: Farmer’s Almanac Cough Syrup

    So my mother discovered the Farmer’s Almanac a few years ago (or possibly re-discovered, I’ve never asked — I just assumed that city kids didn’t read the Farmer’s Almanac), and this year has a page-a-day calendar version.  Despite living many states away from my mother, I always know what page-a-day she has because she mails…

  • DIY Lip Balm if Allergic to Coconut

    Guess what?  Most lip balms contain either coconut or palm too. (To see a list of coconut derivatives, go here, thanks to Becky at the Allergic to Coconut? blog).  Luckily, once have all the stuff to make the lotions, you pretty much have everything you need to make lip balm except the coloring and/or flavoring…

  • Whatever Wednesday: DIY Lotions and Lotion Bars if Allergic to Coconut

    Since most lotions contain coconut derivatives (to see a list of coconut derivatives, go here, thanks to Becky at the Allergic to Coconut? blog), and the one that I found that didn’t have any, had two ingredients that turned out to be forms of pesticide, I decided I needed to make my own if I…

  • WW: DIY Shampoo if Allergic to Coconut on Whatever Wednesday

    EDITED TO ADD : Please go see the newest version of this recipe – it’s a lot better!! – UPDATED AGAIN!! DIY Shampoo if Allergic to Coconut on Whatever Wednesday So here’s the thing. Being allergic to coconut is a b*tch, once you realize that coconut is in just about every cleaning product on the market. To…