Vegetable Samosas and Cilantro Dipping Sauce

  Indian food, I so miss Indian food. It’s so yummy, and there aren’t a lot of Indian places that

Making Bacon, Squared (i.e. two versions)

Bacon. It’s bacon, how do you live without bacon? Unfortunately, commercial bacon has dextrose, sodium erythorbate, ascorbates, and other corn

Eat Your Veggies for Breakfast Patties

Everyone who knows me for a little while knows that I live for potatoes. I will eat them in almost

Be My Vegan Valentine Dinner

So Denise posted a Meat-Eater’s Menu for Romance last week. But we know that not all of our readers are

Boneless Rib Eye Roast & Sides – the Meat-eater’s special Valentine’s Day Dinner

So, here’s the thing, I pretty much can’t go out to dinner anymore with the whole corn thing. Makes it

Roasted Autumn Vegetables with a Balsamic Glaze

It’s fall (I’m not discussing the “winter” word yet, although it snowed here yesterday) with all those yummy, carbohydrate-filled veggies

Maple Dill Carrots

I made this recipe one day when I needed comfort food and then made it about 10 more times in

Baked Eggplant and Zucchini Fries with Spicy Mayo Dipping Sauce

So my friend Mary, the kale whisper, managed to procure about 5 pounds of eggplants for me, or, in other