Author: MaryKate

  • Quick Pumpkin Sausage Sauce

    Quick Pumpkin Sausage Sauce

    So, for me, the key to quick weeknight meals lies in advance prep, whether it be making basic ingredients ahead of time (like soup stocks) or finding staples that are safe for me. Because my allergies are pretty basic and don’t include corn (and soy is something I’m mildly reactive to), I can use most…

  • Quick Work-night Meals: Rice Salad

    Quick Work-night Meals: Rice Salad

    December’s theme is “food for all those days between Thanksgiving and New Year’s that aren’t holidays.” Or, to be less wordy (never my strong suit): quick work-night meals. Meals that you can prepare after a long day at work or doing whatever it is you do that makes you tired. You still have to eat,…

  • Mushroom Hash

    Mushroom Hash

    So for the “earth” side of our elements challenge, I knew from the start that I’d be using mushrooms, the earthiest food I love (and that Denise hates). Adding to the incentive, it’s mushroom “season” in the Pacific Northwest, meaning even our normal grocery stores have chanterelles (though at great cost)! I did not use…

  • Ox Tail Noodle Soup

    Ox Tail Noodle Soup

    It’s Elements Month! Yeah, you read right. Elements. Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. Four Mondays in November, four elements to be inspired by. Why not? This year, we made a plan via Skype — monthly themes to inspire us. We used to get together more often to plan our editorial calendar, but now we do…

  • Guest Post: Pasta Bake

    Guest Post: Pasta Bake

    Can I admit I punted on this one? My big plan for Comfort Food month was set back in August. I was going to do MY best comfort food, potatoes, and then one from my neighborhood — I was going to learn to make ramen. There is a line of gluten-free ramen noodles that I…

  • MaryKate’s Favorite Baked Potatoes

    MaryKate’s Favorite Baked Potatoes

    Back in January when Denise and I outlined our year, I knew that “comfort food month” would include potatoes. My absolute go-to whenever I want comfort food is some form of potato. For me, the fries at 5 Guys are safe, so on a road trip, I’m likely to hit them up. I have made…

  • Pear Shrub

    Pear Shrub

    For try something new month, I was intrigued by the number of shrubs and bitters and other odd old revival drinks out there. I’m not a big soda fan anymore, but sometimes I do want something more interesting than water. Shrub sounded like a good way to dive in and also finally get into Infusing…

  • Kinpira Gobo

    Kinpira Gobo

    So given that we’re trying new cooking techniques this month, one of the ones that jumped out at me was kinpira, a Japanese technique involving a quick stir-fry followed by a braise, most commonly used on root vegetables. Now, I’ve likely done something like this at some point, but not on purpose as a technique.…