Month: January 2013

  • Whatever Wednesday: Freshen Up

    What do we most need for winter and cold and flu season? Vodka. Yup, vodka.  The cheapest rotgut vodka you can buy, in the largest quantity you can buy, and you can deodorize your furniture, carpets, curtains, freshen up your air, and even sanitize your hands. Non-Chemical Hand Sanitizer Adapted from a few different online…

  • Chicken Primavera Alfredo

    Okay, first things first.  My good camera’s battery hit the skids half way through cooking this recipe, so I had to resort to my cell phone camera. Which means that some of these pictures are more terrible than they usually are. Now on to the subject at hand. Alfredo sauce. Seriously, before the food allergy…

  • Whatever Wednesday: Cleaning Screens and Polishing Wood

    Detailed cleaning, for those times before company is coming over — or your mother is visiting.  Get out your old pillowcases or t-shirts.  We’re cleaning screens and polishing your furniture. Screens.  If you have a TV from this century, it has some weird plastic-y screen, not a glass one.  Which means, given that it’s a…

  • Overnight Oatmeal

    Breakfast is, as people love to say, the most important meal of the day. It also takes place before I’m fully awake.  Basically, I feel way more awesome each day if I eat breakfast.  But if breakfast isn’t stupid easy — I’m talking pretty much fireproof — I put it off, start work, and wonder…

  • Whatever Wednesday: Laundry Round-up, including coconut-free detergent!

    WASH CYCLE And another thing, you can’t buy laundry soap without coconut in it either. (To get a list of coconut derivatives, go here, thanks to Becky at the Allergic to Coconut? blog.)  Since I decided I wanted to try cutting out any coconut derivatives that touch my skin, laundry soap was a target too.…

  • It’s Winter, Warm Yourself Up Chili

    I’ve been working on this recipe a while and this is another one of my fire breather recipes.  This is really, really spicy chili.  If you don’t want really, really spicy chili, I’ll make notes about how to turn it down a notch, and how to turn it down 10 notches (*see asterisk below ingredients),…

  • Whatever Wednesday: Household Scrubbing and Drains

    Here, look at this pretty photo of Star Island’s research center, as my bathtub isn’t that exciting. Why not start the cleaning series with the deep cleaning of scrubbing?  This is a method more than a recipe, and works on bathtubs as well as kitchen and bathroom sinks. Now if you do some searching online,…

  • Miraculous ALLERGEN-FRIENDLY Fried Cheez Nuggets

    When Denise and I sat down to discuss things we needed to learn to make, things we could not longer eat “normal” versions of, one of the things that popped to the top of the list was what my college roommate called “bar food” — fried foods that tasted great and had little or no…