Gluten-free & Vegan Abelskiver (Stuffed Pancakes)

Gluten-free & Vegan Abelskiver (Stuffed Pancakes)

So this month is “Try a cooking technique we’ve never used before” month on the blog. I got a cast

Basil-Plum Sauce

Basil Plum Sauce

This month, we were aiming to be inspired by what’s growing where we live. For Denise, this means what her

Chocolate Zucchini Breakfast Muffins

Chocolate Zucchini Breakfast Muffins

So it’s farmer’s market/garden produce theme month here on the blog, and I have some zucchini to use. Not as

A white plate on a multicolored background holds a pile of green shredded kale with dried cranberries and some drops of dressing

Kale, Cranberry, and Ginger Salad

Last week was really not my week. I was in a bad mood and things kept happening to reinforce that,

Dragontail Radish Pod Fridge Pickles

Dragontail Radish Pod Fridge Pickles

Last summer, I got behind in the garden and let some of the radishes go to seed. I was okay

Gluten-free Vegan Sprinkle Cookies

Gluten-free Vegan Sprinkle Cookies

We were supposed to rework recipes this month, but nothing I want to work with  is actually lending itself to

Revisited Better than Sex Rum Caramel Sauce

Revisited Better than Sex Rum Caramel Sauce

Well, I loved the original version of out Better Than Sex Vegan Rum Caramel Sauce. Loved it. Seriously. And then

Revised Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Panackes

Revised Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Pancakes

When we first started the blog, I was allergic to less stuff than I am now. When I first devised