Tag: Egg-free

  • Revisited Better than Sex Rum Caramel Sauce

    Revisited Better than Sex Rum Caramel Sauce

    Well, I loved the original version of out Better Than Sex Vegan Rum Caramel Sauce. Loved it. Seriously. And then the corn allergy reared its ugly head, and then I had to put maple syrup on the suspect list because of a few odd reactions (and I’m already allergic to maple pollen), so using corn…

  • Gluten-free Vegan Almond or Cashew Brownie Cookies

    Gluten-free Vegan Almond or Cashew Brownie Cookies

    So, back in 2012, I thought I’d achieved brownie nirvana with my At Last Brownies recipe. I’d perfected a “normal” baking brownie in the year before, and this was my great gluten-free version. Then Denise posted her Killer Brownies recipe, adjusted for her then-allergies. Lately, neither of these versions is working great for me. I…

  • Revised Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Pancakes

    Revised Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Pancakes

    When we first started the blog, I was allergic to less stuff than I am now. When I first devised this recipe, I wasn’t allergic to corn yet, and I didn’t suspect chia seed as being potentially problematic (it’s on the suspect list, but I haven’t done a food challenge to verify yet). As a…

  • Vichyssoise — dairy-free

    Vichyssoise — dairy-free

    I am cheating here. You should know that up front. It is still condiment month around here, but rules that we make for ourselves are made to be broken, right? I could work out a long reason to connect cold potato soup, Memorial Day observances, and condiments, but let’s not. Let’s say that it’s getting…

  • Yellow Hot Dog Mustard

    Yellow Hot Dog Mustard

    Yellow Hot Dog Mustard It’s summer. It’s grilling season finally in New Hampshire – Shawn hauled the grill out of the garage and the patio furniture out of the shed yesterday. We need condiments. This is a pretty basic and easy mustard recipe. I’ve modified it from a canning recipe and made it allergy safe…

  • Onion Barbecue Sauce

    Onion Barbecue Sauce

    For condiment month, I really wanted to make a barbecue sauce. I’ve tried a handful out here on the west coast, but nothing I’ve loved. In fact, I’m not sure I’ve had a favorite in years, except for the family secret sauce of my old neighbor. And since he isn’t giving it up, I was…

  • Vanilla Pear Caramel Butter

    Vanilla Pear Caramel Butter

    So, I’m still working on a corn-free, dairy-free, and coconut-free safe-for-me caramel that doesn’t have dates in it because (a) sourcing wheat-free dates can be hard, and (b) I freaking hate dates (I know, that’s weird). In the meantime, I’ve been making do with this Vanilla Pear Caramel Butter that I canned up in the…

  • Lemon Herb Sauce

    Lemon Herb Sauce

    Welcome to May! Here at Surviving the Food Allergy Apocalypse, it is condiment month. A great condiment be tailored to your food allergy needs and can make the difference between an okay meal and an awesome meal. Check out our condiment category to see what we’ve posted before (a personal favorite of mine is the…