Category: Product Reviews
A Year In Review, 2012
First full year post-apocalypse. How have we done? Let’s chat. MK’s Take: I know that we haven’t been online for a year, but the original genesis for this blog was a discussion Denise and I had sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas of 2011. I was really unhappy with the allergy diagnosis. I felt like I…
Whatever Wednesday Cookbook Review: Whole Grain Breads By Machine or Hand
This is not a book for those of you who can’t have gluten. This book does have five recipes in a chapter entitled “Nonwheat Breads” but two of them have spelt, and I think that spelt is still problematic for some folks. In any case, this review is geared for those who can eat wheat…
Whatever Wednesday Product Review: Earth Balance Mindful Mayo
Mary Kate’s Take: I’ll start off by telling you that, as a midwesterner, I grew up on Miracle Whip, not mayo. Throughout my pre-allergen life, I used both, pretty much inter-changeably, and never much thought about it. I was never a rabid lover of mayo, nor was I a hater — mayo/MW had its…