WW: Learn Something New: Maple Syrup

The very first known instance of the word maple (though, at the time it was “mapul”) was in Chaucer’s The

Gluten Free Flour Mix for Waffles and Pancakes

Using method that the Gluten Free Girl and the Chef have provided on their blog to make an all-purpose flour mix,

Whatever Wednesday: Farmer’s Almanac Cough Syrup

So my mother discovered the Farmer’s Almanac a few years ago (or possibly re-discovered, I’ve never asked — I just

WW: Restaurant Review: Blue Ginger in Wellesley, MA

It’s Whatever Wednesday, and welcome to our very first restaurant review.  This won’t be a regular feature on Surviving the

Whatever Wednesday: DIY Acne Clay Facial Mask if Allergic to Coconut

Guess what?  The clay facial mask I liked contains coconut too. (To see a list of coconut derivatives, go here,

Whatever Wednesday: Freshen Up

What do we most need for winter and cold and flu season? Vodka. Yup, vodka.  The cheapest rotgut vodka you

Whatever Wednesday: Cleaning Screens and Polishing Wood

Detailed cleaning, for those times before company is coming over — or your mother is visiting.  Get out your old

Whatever Wednesday: Laundry Round-up, including coconut-free detergent!

WASH CYCLE And another thing, you can’t buy laundry soap without coconut in it either. (To get a list of