Quick Thai-Inspired Curry Noodle Stir Fry

  Thai food was one of the biggest losses for me.  My husband and I had our first date at

Watermelon White Wine Sorbet or Ice Pops

  Sorbet is one of the things I miss terribly because almost all of the commercial versions have corn in

Sourdough Waffles (Gluten-free & Vegan)

As some of you know, I’ve been experimenting with gluten-free sourdough breads. And since I have gluten-free sourdough starter that

Cure Your Own Salt Pork

Since the corn allergy apocalypse, I’ve been making my own baked beans and pressure canning them so they will be

UPDATED AGAIN!! – DIY Shampoo if Allergic to Coconut on Whatever Wednesday

Since publishing my DIY Shampoo if Allergic to Coconut and the UPDATED-DIY Shampoo if Allergic to Coconut posts, I had

Vegetable Samosas and Cilantro Dipping Sauce

  Indian food, I so miss Indian food. It’s so yummy, and there aren’t a lot of Indian places that

Making Bacon, Squared (i.e. two versions)

Bacon. It’s bacon, how do you live without bacon? Unfortunately, commercial bacon has dextrose, sodium erythorbate, ascorbates, and other corn

WW: DIY Dishwasher Detergent if Allergic to Coconut

So I’ve been ignoring the coconut allergy with respect to my dishwasher detergent because it all rinses off right?  Except