Product Review: Beanitos Chips

Three Varieties of Beanitos
Three Varieties of Beanitos

So if you’ve been following along, you heard about my (Denise’s) corn allergy positive scratch test result and my corresponding food elimination diet and challenge confirmation.  Very, very annoying.  Because that means no tortilla chips to go with my salsa or to make nachos, and no taco shells.  Again, very, very annoying.  A couple of people mentioned these chips to me, and I wasn’t really paying attention until one day I was at the co-op and I was starving for salty chip goodness, and I picked up a bag to try.  And then I decided that I needed to try some of the other varieties (please note, the three listed are allergen free for me, but the Nacho Cheese, Chipotle BBQ, and Better Cheddar contain things that are problematic for me right now as they are confirmed allergies or are still in the running during my elimination diet hell).  According to the packages, they are corn-free, gluten-free, vegan, kosher, non-GMO, no MSG, no preservatives, no trans-fats, low glycemic, and cholesterol free.

The first bag I tried was the Original Black Bean with Sea Salt (see link for ingredients and nutritional information).  After trying the others, this is my least favorite chip out of the three, but they’re still good.  They are not as good as the others on their own, and really benefit from some sort of salsa or dip.  The black bean give them a bit more of an earthy, nutty flavor than the others, and they seemed a bit flatter in flavor compared to the other two chips.

The second bag I tried was the Simply Pinto Bean with Sea Salt (see link for ingredients and nutritional information). This chip wound up being in second place of the three.  The chip was less earthy and more nutty and the flavor was brighter than the black bean chip.  This one was easier to eat without a salsa or dip, but I still prefer it with a dip or salsa than without.

The last bag I tried was the Restaurant Style White Bean with Sea Salt (see link for ingredients and nutritional information). This was my favorite of the three, and probably the one I will buy most often in the future.  It was the closest to an actual tortilla chip, and I didn’t need a dip or a salsa to eat these by themselves.  They were excellent with salsa or dip, and were the closest to the real thing.  I also didn’t really get a bean-y taste from them either.

(Mary Kate reviewed this post to correct my typographical errors, and informed me that she also liked the Restaurant Style White Bean with Sea Salt best, but she put the Original Black Bean with Sea Salt in second place, and Simply Pinto Bean with Sea Salt in last place.)

All three chips seem to get soggy more quickly than tortilla chips, so if you’re making a taco salad or nachos with them, eat fast.  They are a little expensive, but since I can’t have corn chips (confirmed allergy) and I’m still trying to figure out if I can eat potato chips  (scratch test positive for potato, but not challenge verified yet), this gives me something to kill the chip craving in the meantime.

If you try them, let us know what you think!

Three Varieties of Beanitos in a bowl
Three Varieties of Beanitos in a bowl

This review was not solicited and the author has not received any compensation.  Opinions are my own.







2 responses to “Product Review: Beanitos Chips”

  1. Molly Avatar

    My sister was just asking me if I’d ever tried these, and I don’t think I have. I’ll take note to try the white bean kind first. Thanks for the review! 🙂

    1. denisedaniel Avatar

      Glad to help 🙂

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