Month: April 2013

  • Pork Peking Ravioli (aka Potsticker, Wonton, Gyoza, etc.)

    Before the food allergy apocalypse hit, one of the things I really liked to do was to make my own Peking Ravioli (aka Potsticker, Wonton, Gyoza, etc.)  or whatever you want to call your basic Asian style dumpling.  Apparently you only call them Peking Ravioli if you live in the Northeast because that was what Joyce…

  • UPDATED – DIY Shampoo if Allergic to Coconut on Whatever Wednesday

      EDITED TO ADD : Please go see the newest version of this recipe – it’s a lot better!! – UPDATED AGAIN!! DIY Shampoo if Allergic to Coconut on Whatever Wednesday Since publishing my DIY Shampoo if Allergic to Coconut post, I’ve made a minor change to the original shampoo recipe. When you see the change you’re going…

  • Post 100: The Magic of the Chocolate Chip.

    Because it’s Earth Day, and it’s our 100th post, we thought we should make cookies.  Because cookies are round, like the Earth.  And because making cookies and giving them to people makes you a hero.  Or just sharing — you don’t have to give them all away, promise.  You can eat them, too.  Cookies are…

  • Awesome Curry

    Disclaimer: This is not an original recipe.  But it’s the best curry I’ve ever made at home, and as such, I want to share it with all of you today.  With full credit to the author and cookbook, of course. The Chickpea and Spinach Curry comes from one of my all-time favorite cookbooks, Isa Chandra…

  • Hot & Crazy Noodles Apocalypse Style

    Before the food allergy apocalypse hit, one of the things I really liked was Thai food, and one of the dishes I really enjoyed at Siam Orchid, our local Thai place, was Hot & Crazy Noodles, which is a spicy version of Pad Sei Ew (or whatever spelling variant of Thai anglicized you might find).…

  • Whatever Wednesday: Oil Cleansing Method

    About a year ago, after a lot of reading about it, I thought I’d try this “oil cleansing” thing that the internet was chittering on about.  Honestly, it seemed a little counter-intuitive, smearing oil over the grease on my face to clean it off.  I have had oily skin since I was about 11, which…

  • Year of the Snake Stir Fry

    For the many years where the only allergen I needed to avoid was dairy,  Asian restaurants of most types were a saving grace.  With the exception of Indian cuisine, which uses cream and butter, most cuisines of the Asian continent use little to no dairy. Now that there are more allergens in my arsenal, it’s…