WW: Find us at the GFAF Expo in October! (Springfield, MA)

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Hey! Guess who’s going to be official bloggers at the Gluten- and Allergen-free Expo in Springfield, Mass? Us! The weekend of October 25-26, 2014, come on out and find us there. Or, if you’re not local, follow our adventures on our Facebook page. I’d love to say we’ll tweet the experience, but Denise has a law degree and Mary Kate has an art history degree; we’re not succinct.

This will be a chance to talk to a lot of manufacturers about their products and their commitment to providing allergy-friendly foods, meet some interesting people working in the food allergy world, and maybe meet some other bloggers. I’m guessing there will be plenty of food to try, though depending on your allergens and comfort level, your mileage may vary on that. Along with vendors from the major allergy-friendly brands you likely know — Enjoy Life, Earth Balance, and So Delicious popped out to me (Mary Kate) — there are also speakers and classes. I think the class list is the most exciting part, and look forward to checking out the classes on gluten sensitivity and gluten-free flours.

Because of my (Denise’s) other allergies besides wheat, I’m a bit limited in vendors that would have safe products for me. One of the things I’m interested in seeing is Collette Martin’s new book, The Allergy-Free Pantry: Make Your Own Staples, Snacks, and More Without Wheat, Gluten, Dairy, Eggs, Soy or Nuts. I liked her first book, and I’m interested in the second, although the titles irk me a little. (I just need to say that just because something doesn’t have any of the top 8 allergens, it doesn’t mean it’s allergy free.) I’d also like to talk to the people at Pascha about their chocolate chips and how the vanilla is added, to see if it’s something I could safely trial. San-J will be there. I can use their gluten-free tamari because it uses cane sugar alcohol (I don’t have soy issues), and it looks like I might be able to trial their new Mongolian Sauce. I’m also very much interested in some of the classes.

If you want tickets, you can save $8 a ticket ($3 for kids’ tickets) by buying early. If you click the image link below, you’ll buy tickets “from” us, which nets us a tiny cut for referring you.

MA Earlybird ticket image

Stay tuned, we’ll also have some ticket giveaways in the coming weeks!







2 responses to “WW: Find us at the GFAF Expo in October! (Springfield, MA)”

  1. Kaila511 Avatar

    Ah! I’m an Official Expo Blogger at the Springfield Expo too! I can’t wait to find y’all. 🙂

    As for the title of the book, I always try to say allergy-friendly, rather than allergy-free, but it does sometimes slip out. However, I feel as though allergy-free has come to mean the Big 8. I’m also allergic to things outside of the Big 8, so it’s kind of silly that I slip up too sometimes!

    I loved reading about the vendors you wrote up, and I’m definitely the most excited for the classes as well. Can’t wait to see y’all soon!

    1. Mary Kate Avatar

      We look forward to meeting you!

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