Tag: Veg*n Option

  • Soy-free, gluten-free "Tamari Sauce"

    Despite being diagnosed with a likely soy allergy and confirming it with a food challenge, I also challenged gluten-free tamari separately and decided I could handle it. But paying a little more attention to the fact that I felt lousy the day after Denise and I would have sushi, and also when I’d make stir-fry,…

  • Best Potato Soup

    This soup is very much for the potato people, my people. If you merely “like” potatoes, you will probably like this soup, but if, in your world, the potato is the pinnacle of nature’s bounty, this soup is for you. It contains other ingredients, but these serve mainly to make the potato shine in all…

  • Somewhat Germanic Potato Salad

    I am not a religious person, but if there is one thing that makes me believe there might be some grand design to the world, it’s potatoes.  They are a wonderful, versatile, almost perfect food (only “almost” because they don’t greatly lend themselves to dessert, Grand Forks’ chocolate-covered potato chips notwithstanding).  I feel as though…