Category: Allergy-Friendly Cleaning Products

  • Whatever Wednesday: Household Scrubbing and Drains

    Here, look at this pretty photo of Star Island’s research center, as my bathtub isn’t that exciting. Why not start the cleaning series with the deep cleaning of scrubbing?  This is a method more than a recipe, and works on bathtubs as well as kitchen and bathroom sinks. Now if you do some searching online,…

  • Whatever Wednesday: Good Green Cleaning for People with Allergies

    New Year, new resolutions, right?  I have been transitioning to chemical-free cleaning for the past few years.  When I moved into my current place, I spent some house with ammonia-based cleaner in the kitchen, and while it needed the heavy-duty, chemical-laden cleaner, I felt awful afterwards.  Since then, I’ve been making my own.  So we’re…