Month: February 2013
WW: Restaurant Review: Blue Ginger in Wellesley, MA
It’s Whatever Wednesday, and welcome to our very first restaurant review. This won’t be a regular feature on Surviving the Food Allergy Apocalypse, as we’re somewhat geographically constrained, and there are other websites that do this sort of thing, but when we find a great place to go out and eat with food allergies, we…
Come Home to Chicken Stew
Who likes coming home to dinner already made? ME! But hey, I’m single and I work full-time. Wait. I have a crock pot. If you don’t have a house-spouse, your best friend would be the crock pot. Plug it in as you leave, come home to dinner. It’s happiness in an appliance. Feel free to…
Happy President's Day! All-American Chicken Ranch Burgers
So Denise and I decided to go theme-ways for this particular Monday holiday. What does the theme of “Presidents’ Day” conjure up for you? Let me tell you, I had IDEAS. Many of them were particularly complicated, some were elaborate, and my fridge is still full of ingredients I bought while over-thinking my options. What…
Happy President’s Day, Bread and Chocolate with Cherries
And this is take two on cherries for our President’s day theme. Cherries go with chocolate. And there’s a place in Concord, New Hampshire that sells a pastry called Bread & Chocolate that I’ve been trying to replicate since the dairy allergy diagnosis, so I decided to add cherries to the mix this time. This…
Happy President’s Day, Can’t Tell a Lie Cherry and Chocolate Chip Quick Bread
You know how hard it is to find a food theme for President’s Day? It’s hard. Which is why I’m using cherries out of desperation, even though I was a history major and I know that story about George Washington and the cherry tree is a crock. Despite that I decided to do it up,…
Whatever Wednesday: DIY Acne Clay Facial Mask if Allergic to Coconut
Guess what? The clay facial mask I liked contains coconut too. (To see a list of coconut derivatives, go here, thanks to Becky at the Allergic to Coconut? blog). See how repetitive this whole coconut being in my products thing is? So I scoured the internet to look for DIY remedies for acne, and came up…
Microwave Popcorn, lots and lots of flavors (and allergy-friendly!)
So this isn’t the post that was originally supposed to be here. I was supposed to have concocted this wonderful braised pork chop recipe, but Winter Storm Nemo happened and shot my plans to go to the grocery store to hell. I tried to make a go of it with what I had in the…
Almost-Instant Black Bean Soup
It’s winter, so it’s already dark when you get home, late, hungry. and cold. There’s probably some sandwich stuff in the fridge, and there’s cereal, but again, it’s cold. And you’re hungry. NOW. You need this soup. In about 15 minutes, with very minimal effort, you have fresh wondrous HOT satisfying soup. Black Bean Soup…