Month: January 2017

  • Whoopie Pies – Gluten-Free with Vegan Option

    Whoopie Pies – Gluten-Free with Vegan Option

    To cap off our Treat. Yo. Self. January. theme, I give you a big treat, Whoopie Pies. I’m fairly certain I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m originally from Maine. The whoopie pie is the official state treat of Maine and apparently the town of Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, has hosted the Maine Whoopie Pie Festival since 2009, according…

  • Clean Fridge Grain Bowl

    Clean Fridge Grain Bowl

    Treat. Yo. Self. To a cleaner fridge and several healthy meals. I realize this might be a stretch in the “treat” category, but hear me out. I really LIKE vegetables, and I feel really good, both mentally and physically, when I eat a bunch of them. I’m not a fruit person, really. I love veg.…

  • Cajun Seasoned Shrimp Skewers

    Cajun Seasoned Shrimp Skewers

      As part of our Treat. Yo. Self. month, treating myself means seafood since I’m from Maine originally. I can still eat shrimp, but I have other shellfish allergies so I may lose shrimp eventually. But for now, I use them as an occasional treat. The recipe should be enough for about 8 skewers of…

  • Coconut Milk Vegan Fudge

    Coconut Milk Vegan Fudge

    The first recipe I ever perfected was fudge. I admit, part of it had to do with the fact that fudge was something my mom had given up on making well. Starting in about middle school, to judge by the handwriting on the recipe card, I made many batches of fudge each winter. Teachers, family,…

  • Orange Chai Spiced Wine

    Orange Chai Spiced Wine

    To set the scene, it’s New Hampshire. It’s December. We got about a foot of snow in the past week and we’re expected to get a bit more soon. It’s freaking cold.  So I need a hot drink, preferably with alcohol. I’ve been seeing posts about chai hot chocolate and hot chocolate red wine, but…