Month: November 2012

  • Whatever Wednesday: DIY Lotions and Lotion Bars if Allergic to Coconut

    Since most lotions contain coconut derivatives (to see a list of coconut derivatives, go here, thanks to Becky at the Allergic to Coconut? blog), and the one that I found that didn’t have any, had two ingredients that turned out to be forms of pesticide, I decided I needed to make my own if I…

  • Turkey, Turkey Stock, and Turkey Rice Soup with Kale – Denise’s Annual Insanity

    Thanksgiving makes me slightly insane. Somehow I channel my grandmother, who is still among the living so I’m not even sure if that’s possible metaphysically speaking, and I make vast quantities of food that bear no rational relation to the actual number of people for whom I am cooking. Our Thanksgiving dinners when I was…

  • WW: DIY Shampoo if Allergic to Coconut on Whatever Wednesday

    EDITED TO ADD : Please go see the newest version of this recipe – it’s a lot better!! – UPDATED AGAIN!! DIY Shampoo if Allergic to Coconut on Whatever Wednesday So here’s the thing. Being allergic to coconut is a b*tch, once you realize that coconut is in just about every cleaning product on the market. To…

  • Mini-Thanksgiving, Casserole Style

    This past summer, one of my co-workers went through a phase of making Thanksgiving dinners — I don’t think she was cooking a whole turkey, but part of it, plus dressing and cranberries.  I think it happened more than once, and the craving turned out to be transferable. But for me?  Turkey, eh, whatever.  I…

  • WW: Introducing Whatever Wednesdays with Travel Tips for the Allergic

    Now that Denise and I have established what we think is a nice rhythm, and we have a few readers (HI READERS!  WE ARE SO HAPPY YOU ARE HERE.  PLEASE KEEP COMING BACK!), we’d like to introduce a new feature, our catch-all for things we want to talk about or share but that aren’t recipes…

  • Apple Cranberry Crisp

    I think you’re an apple crisp person or an apple pie person.  Or at least I am, and I fall squarely into the apple crisp camp. I can pass up apple pie anytime because unless the crust is perfect and amazing, which it rarely is, I don’t want it. It just seems like a waste…

  • Winter Is Coming Chicken and Kale

    This recipe featuring lovely tasty kale is posted, in part, in honor of the last day of G.I.S.H.W.H.E.S. (the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen), which everyone who knows me has heard way too much about (and has likely been asked to participate in).  I am not sure why GISHWHES is obsessed…